Home Résultats

1. Données personelles:
Nom: Sperlich
Prénom: Stefan
Titre: Professor
Position: P.O.

2. Adresse professionnelle:
Institution: Université de Genčve
Complément 1: Research Center for Statistics
Complément 2:
Rue: Bd du Pont d'Arve
Boîte postale:
Code postal: 12111
Lieu: Geneva
Canton: GE
Tél. professionnel: +41-(0)22-37.98223
Fax professionnel:
E-mail: stefan.sperlich@unige.ch
Mobile: +41 799223179
Tél. privé:
Fax privé:
E-mail privé:
Site web 1: www.unige.ch/gsem/iee/en/members/faculty/sperlich-stefan/
Site web 2:

3. Adhésion SEVAL:
Membre: membre individuel

4. Mandataires et mandants d'évaluations:
Mandataires: Oui
Mandants d'évaluations: Non

5. Expérience dans l'enseignement et dans le conseil:
Expérience dans l'enseignement: Oui
Expérience dans le conseil: Oui

6. Connaissances linguistiques
English very good
French good
German very good
Spanish very good

7. Domaines d'activité
Development Aid
Economy /J ob Market
Gender Equality
Industry / Technology
Social Affairs
growth, trade, poverty, inequality

8. Domaine de la santé : n'a pas d'expérience en tant qu'évaluateur/trice dans le domaine de la santé.

9. Expérience générale en évaluation
Controlling studies
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Impact Analysis
mainly in all kind of quantitative analysis and measurement

10. Types d'évaluation
Ex post evaluation
External evaluation
Internal evaluation
again, mainly for quantitative analysis and measurement

11. Champs d'évaluation
Policy Evaluation
Program / Project Evaluation
Proposal Evaluation

12. Compétences méthodologiques de récolte de données
experimental design
sampling methods
small area statistics

12. Compétences méthodologiques d'analyse de données
matchning methods
propensity score based methods
random control trials
instrumental / natural experiments
regression discontinuity designs
Differences in Differences / Changes in Changes

13. Projets d'évaluation effectués
The most frequent is teaching evaluation (in 4 languages):
Master and PhD courses
Summer courses
Invited short courses
Courses for public administration / governmantal staff

Frölich and Sperlich (2018) Impact Evaluation. Cambridge University Press (c.a. 400 pages)
The second most frequent is as a regular (ex-ante & ex-post) evaluator for National Science foundations and Ministries of Education & Technology: Belgium, Spain, Italy, France,
and eventually Germany, Switzerland, etc
In the following I enumerate 5 more recent evaluation projects:

Project for International Trade Centre (UN and WTO) and Maroc Export: Evalutation d'impact des programmes
de Maroc Export. 2017-2018 (in French & English). ITC working paper (to appear)
Project for the Institute of Fiscal Studies of the Ministry of Finance, Spain: Prediccicon de la distribucion del ingreso basado en Data Matching. 2010-2011 (in Spanish). Internal technical report of the Ministry, 2011. Sent out on request.
Project for the International Trade Centre (UN and WTO) and the European Trade Promotion Organizations: An impact assessment study of the ETPOs. 2015 (in English). different versions available, eg
Olarreaga, Sperlich, Trachsel (2016) "Export Promotion: what works?" CEPR cepr.org/active/publications/discussion_papers/dp.php?dpno=11270#
Participation in EUROsociAL II: Regional Programme for social cohesion in Latin America giving courses and support on project and policy evaluation for ministries. 2014 - 2015 (in Spanish)
No technical report available
Leading author of the section on socio-economic issues in the UN assessment report "Monitoring and Assessment of Desertification and Land Degradation", UNCCD, (white bookr published in 2010, see http://inweh.unu.edu/portfolio/monitoring-assessment-desertification-land-degradation/). (various languages)

14. Références
Ignacio Moral-Arce,
Autoridad Independiente de responsabilidad Fiscal (AIReF), José Abascal nş 2, 2Ş planta 28003 Madrid,
[worked for him when he was at the Ministry of Finance and Economics]
Prof. Ana Fernández Saínz
Universidad del País Vasco
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Avda. Lehendakari Aguirre, 83
E-48015 BILBAO
[worked for her when she was director of UNIQUAL and vice-minister for education of the Basque Country]

15. Autoportrait
Stefan Sperlich made his diploma in mathematics at the University of Göttingen and holds a PhD in economics from the Humboldt University of Berlin. From 1998 to 2006 he was Professor for statistics at the University Carlos III de Madrid, from 2006 to 2010 chair of econometrics at the University of Göttingen, and is since 2010 professor for statistics and econometrics at the University of Geneva. His research interests are ranging from nonparametric statistics over small area statistics to empirical economics, in particular impact evaluation methods. He has been working since about 15 years as consultant for regional, national and international institutions, participated in development programs like EUROSOCIAL, is cofounder of the research center 'Poverty, Equity and Growth in Developing Countries? at the University of Göttingen, and is research fellow at the Center for Evaluation and Development (Mannheim, Germany). He published in various top ranked scientific journals of different fields and was awarded with the Koopmans econometric theory prize and the Augusto Gonzalez Linares.