Home Search SEVAL "Evaluators" database

Full text search
We offer you two ways for searching the SEVAL database: a full text search, where you enter the key words / phrases of your choice and an advanced search, with specific selection criteria. The advanced search criteria reflect the information gathered on evaluation experience in the database.

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Advanced search
The advanced search only returns results that include all of the selected criteria. If you choose for example: "Evaluators / Evaluation Commissioners: Evaluators", "Fields of activity: education" and Type of Evaluation: Ex-ante evaluation" the results will list all the Evaluators with evaluation experience in the field of education who are also experienced with ex-ante evaluations. The more criteria you choose, the higher is the risk that your result list will be empty."
If you select "Health" under the "Field of activity" selection criteria, the additional health criteria will be activated.

Selection criteria
a) SEVAL membership
b) Evaluator / Evaluation Commissioners
c) Experience in teaching
d) Experience in consulting
e) Language skills
f) Fields of activity
g) General experience in evaluation
h) Type of Evaluation
i) Fields of evaluation
