Home Résultats

1. Données personelles:
Nom: Ettlin
Prénom: Ricarda
Titre: MSc en psychologie
Position: Responsable Projets & Conseil et membre de la direction

2. Adresse professionnelle:
Institution: socialdesign ag
Complément 1: Evaluation, Conseil, Enseignement
Complément 2: Evaluation, Beratung, Schulung
Rue: Thunstrasse 7
Boîte postale:
Code postal: 3005
Lieu: Bern
Canton: BE
Pays: Schweiz
Tél. professionnel: 031 310 24 80
Fax professionnel: 031 310 24 81
E-mail: ricarda.ettlin@socialdesign.ch
Tél. privé:
Fax privé:
E-mail privé:
Site web 1: http://www.socialdesign.ch
Site web 2:

3. Adhésion SEVAL:
Membre: membre individuel

4. Mandataires et mandants d'évaluations:
Mandataires: Oui
Mandants d'évaluations: Non

5. Expérience dans l'enseignement et dans le conseil:
Expérience dans l'enseignement: Non
Expérience dans le conseil: Oui

6. Connaissances linguistiques
German Muttersprache
English very good
French very good
German very good
Italien good

7. Domaines d'activité
Foreigners / Refugees
Gender Equality
Political System / Public Administration
Social Affairs

8a. Domaine de la santé: Expérience thématique

8b. Domaine de la santé : Expérience d'évaluation dans des domaines situés à l'interface entre le thème de la santé et d'autres thèmes

8c. Domaine de la santé: Expérience avec des groupes cibles

9. Expérience générale en évaluation
Controlling studies
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Evaluability Analysis
Impact Analysis
Implementation Analysis
Needs Analysis
Organisational Analysis
Setting up monitoring systems

10. Types d'évaluation
Ex ante evaluation
Ex post evaluation
External evaluation
Formative evaluation
Internal evaluation
Summative evaluation

11. Champs d'évaluation
Performance Evaluation
Personnel Evaluation
Policy Evaluation
Product Evaluation
Program / Project Evaluation
Proposal Evaluation

12. Compétences méthodologiques de récolte de données
expert interviews
semi-structured interviews
narrative interview
group interview
focus groups
survey with questionnaires (written, online)
participant observation
document research
artefact collection

12. Compétences méthodologiques d'analyse de données
qualitative content analysis (documents, interviews)
theoretical and thematic coding
Descriptive and analytical statistics

13. Projets d'évaluation effectués
Alcohol abuse prevention campagne: evaluation of organisation of the action week 2011. Final report october 2011:http://www.je-parle-d-alcool.ch/projekt/evaluationsresultate
Evaluation of the structure, processes and resultats of a prevention campaign against addiction to gambling. Final report in december 2012: http://www.sos-spielsucht.ch/en/information.html
Project "from man to man" of the Aids Hilfe Bern: evaluation of the project organisaton and impacts of the projects on the target populaton. Final report January 2012.
Evaluation of the role played by the Swiss national government in assuring quality and equal treatment at residential educational facilities for children, adolescents and young adults. Evaluation contucted by the Swiss Federal Audit Office, assisted by socialdesign in the area of field research.

14. Références
references upon request.

15. Autoportrait
Ricarda Ettlin graduated in social and work psychology from the University of Lausanne and then worked in these areas as a research assistant. During her various volunteer and professional activities in different non-profit organisations (active in gender issues, fair trade, international sport and holiday camps) she gained first hand experience of the administrative, political and managerial processes in this sector. She also trained and worked as a self-employed body therapist for 5 years. Ricarda speaks French, German and English.

socialdesign is specialised in social issues and social management. The company offers services in the area of research, consulting and training. socialdesign has its headquarters in Bern and employs currently nine persons.