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1. Données personelles:
Nom: Ribi
Prénom: Joan
Titre: Dr.
Position: Independent Consultant

2. Adresse professionnelle:
Institution: SEMS - Ribi Consulting
Complément 1:
Complément 2:
Rue: Kleinbuhlstrasse 7
Boîte postale:
Code postal: 8052
Lieu: Zürich
Canton: ZH
Pays: Switzerland
Tél. professionnel: 0041 44 361 02 01
Fax professionnel:
E-mail: joanribi@hotmail.com
Tél. privé:
Fax privé:
E-mail privé:
Site web 1:
Site web 2:

3. Adhésion SEVAL:
Membre: membre individuel

4. Mandataires et mandants d'évaluations:
Mandataires: Oui
Mandants d'évaluations: Non

5. Expérience dans l'enseignement et dans le conseil:
Expérience dans l'enseignement: Oui
Expérience dans le conseil: Oui

6. Connaissances linguistiques
Excellent Muttersprache
Allemand connaissances de base
Anglais très bonnes connaissances
Francais connaissances de base
Italien bonnes connaissances

7. Domaines d'activité
Affaires sociales / Prévoyance sociale
Aménagement du territoire
Coopération au développement
Egalité de genres
Industrie / Technologie
AND OTHERS: Expert Evaluator of EU Framework R&D project proposals; Expert Evaluator of EU Development Aid projects; Country and Regional Reports; Expert Evaluator of Vocational Education project proposals; Environmental Audits of Installations; compliance to EU Directives/Environment/Gender, International Agreements/RAMSAR, mining applications, water quality, Environmental Assessments incl EIA, compliance to Ministerial and Authority operational permit conditions;Indigenous people/health, housing; World Bank standards/Environment and Social Standards

8a. Domaine de la santé: Expérience thématique
Indigenous Peoples Health and Housing, Work Place Health and Safety

8b. Domaine de la santé : Expérience d'évaluation dans des domaines situés à l'interface entre le thème de la santé et d'autres thèmes
Santé et éducation
Santé et environnement
Santé et technologie
Health and Housing
Indigenous People/Health and Housing, work place health & safety
Indigenous People/Health and Housing, work place health & safety

8c. Domaine de la santé: Expérience avec des groupes cibles
Indigenous Peoples, men and women at work, families at home

9. Expérience générale en évaluation
Analyse de mise en oeuvre
Analyse des besoins
Analyse des effets
Analyse organisationnelle
Gestion d'un monitoring
AND OTHERS:Technology Assessment, Environmental Management Systems and Monitoring programmes; ISO 14001; Clean Technology;Sustainable Development

10. Types d'évaluation
Evaluation ex-ante
Evaluation ex-post
Evaluation formative
Evaluation interne
Evaluation récapitulative
Evalution externe
Ex-ante, Ex-post, External Evaluation; Project and Programmes Evaluation, Country & Regional, Environment, Social and Gender Audits

11. Champs d'évaluation
Performance Evaluation
Personnel Evaluation
Policy Evaluation
Product Evaluation
Programme / Project Evaluation
Proposal Evaluation
Sustainable Development Action Plans, Environmental Performance Reviews;Strategic Environmental Assessments; Action Plans, Programmes, Policies; Environmental Impact Assessment/Projects, Compliance to EU Directives/Environment, SEA, EIA, International Agreements; Environmental Assessments, Environmental Audits

12. Compétences méthodologiques de récolte de données
Sampling according to scientific method.
Statistically supported sampling design: Statisical concepts; Water quality, soil contamination, biodiversity, etc
Surveys focusing on types, quantities and distribution patterns of waste
Surveys on Indigenous Peoples work place conditions for Health and Safety; Surveys on the Social conditions of mining on Indigenous Peoples and the impact of Heritage Legislation
Surveys of home conditions of Indigenous Peoples
Surveys on abandoned mine sites- Impact on Environment and Risks to Health;
Environmental, Energy, Water, Waste Audits;

12. Compétences méthodologiques d'analyse de données
Data analysis according to scientific method: Statistical analysis techniques and reporting.
Questionaire, on-site inspections, one-to-one councelling, research of documentation (accident reporting data sheets, complaints forms).
Reporting on the above topics
Audit procedures

13. Projets d'évaluation effectués
1. Evaluation of industrial management practice to achieve cotmpliance to EU IPPC (Integrated Polution Prevention Control Directive).
2. Environmental Assessment of coal mining and coal power plants, UN Interim Administration Mission Kosovo.
Evaluator of major Project Proposals (ex ante); Evaluator of Sustainable Development projects; Solar driven water treatment, Water Quality Management) projects. `Policy orientated research` Scientific support to policies.
Expert Evaluator Biodiversity, Modeling, Climate Change projects;
3. Evaluator of Vocational Education and Training Programmes

4. Evaluation of Technologies for recycling waste oils (and compliance to EU Directives), for Waste Oils recycling companies.
5. Policy evaluation and development in rubble recycling. Member: Rubble Recycling Committee, Building and Construction Institute.
6. Reviews of installations which fall under the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Directive (IPPC), for emissions, waste and waste water management, including: Power Plants, Manufacturing, Dry Docks/Shipping, Waste Management Facilities, Farms, Extractive industries.

Audits of Hotels & Catering effluent management systems (effluent quality, sewerage connections) for compliance. Drainage Department.

Audits of farm waste management and fertilizer management.
7. Evaluation of the quality of Environmental Management System (EMS) and monitoring programme, and Audit for compliance to the Environment Protection Act and the Heritage Act in applications to mine, undertaken for the Goldfields Land Council/Federal Government, West Australia.

On - site inspections for compliance to operational permit conditions - ore crushing, tailings dams management, groundwater abstraction undertaken by the Goldfields Land Council/Federal Government, West Australia.

On- site inspections of environmental damage and breach of legislation: leaching tailings dams; discharges into streams;contaminated sites, undertaken for the Goldfields Land Council/Federal Government, West Australia.

Survey and risk assessment of abandoned mine sites, Esperance to Wiluna, West Australia undertaken for the Goldfields Land Council/Federal Government, Kalgoorlie, West Australia.

Survey and risk assessment of work undertaken by Aboriginal Peoples working on mine sites and social problems undertaken for the Goldfields Land Council/Federal Government, Kalgoorlie West Australia.

Evaluation of the draft aquaculture plan, Esperance. (Environment and Social impact on Indigenous Peoples)for the Goldfields Land Council. Commissioned by Philip Vincent, Legal Council.

8. Audit of Granny Smith Mine, Leonora, West Australia, for compliance to the Australian Code of Mining, commissioned by Placer Dome Asia Pacific, Rory Lamont, mine site manager.
9. Evaluation of a Diploma course in Environmental Technology, course quality and curriculum development for funding purposes. Evaluation of Student assignments for the Diploma. Karratha College, West Australia, Curtin University, West Australia
10.Personnel Evaluation. Assessment of skills of laboratory technicians and on- the- job training. Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia.

14. Références
1. Ref: Dr. Robert Zwahlen, Pöyry, Zurich.
2. Ref: European Commission/Confidential

3. Ref: European Commission/Confidential

4. Ref: Carmel Falzon, Director, Waste Oils Ltd.
5. Ref: Vincent Gauci, Director, Environment Protection Authority.
6. Ref: Ref: Architect Anthony Abela, Works Division.
7. Ref: Legal Council, Philip Vincent, Goldfields Land Council, Kalgoorlie, West Australian Government.
8. Ref: Rory Lamont, mine site manage, Granny Smith Mine, Leonora, West Australia.
9. Ref: Dr. A. Rahima, Karratha College, Karratha, West Australia.

10. Ref: Dr. David Edwards, Dean, Division of Applied Science and Technology, Griffith University Queensland Australia.

Ref: Lyndsey Chapple, Manager, International Aid Branch, Sinclair Knight Engineers.

15. Autoportrait
I am a scientist with an engineering background. I have worked as a lecturer in Applied Science at Griffith University Australia, as a Lecturer in Environmental Technology at Karratha College, Australia and as Co-ordinator of a Diploma in Environmental Technology at Curtin University where I was responsibile for quality assurance in relation to funding, evaluations and assessments. I have worked as a consultant internationally in Australia, UK, USA, Switzerland, as advisor to Legal Council/Federal Government, Australia; Local Councils, Community groups and individuals/ Australia and as a specialist consultant in Environment and Mining on a UN/World Bank tender (Environment and Social Safeguard). Other assignments included responsibility for Environmental Assessments (Environmental Impact Assessment, Risk Assessment, Energy Audits of industries; Site Rehabilitation Audits, inspections of monitoring programmes, Environmental Audit of large mining sites and major installations. I am an expert on EU Policy and Directives in Environment such as the Integrated Pollution Prevention Control Direcive. Projects of interest are Environment and Compliance needs analysis undertaken in countries aspiring to enter the EU who must conform to EU Policy Directives on Environment.