Home Résultats

1. Données personelles:
Nom: Ruflin
Prénom: Regula
Titre: Dr.
Position: Mitinhaberin

2. Adresse professionnelle:
Institution: socialdesign ag
Complément 1: Beratung Coaching Leitung Forschung & Evaluation
Complément 2: Mitinhaber Andreas Dvorak, MBA
Rue: Thunstrasse 7
Boîte postale:
Code postal: 3005
Lieu: Bern
Canton: BE
Pays: Schweiz
Tél. professionnel: +41 (0)31 310 24 80
Fax professionnel: +41 (0)31 310 24 81
E-mail: regula.ruflin@socialdesign.ch
Mobile: +41 (0)79 705 91 66
Tél. privé:
Fax privé:
E-mail privé:
Site web 1: www.socialdesign.ch
Site web 2:

3. Adhésion SEVAL:
Membre: membre individuel

4. Mandataires et mandants d'évaluations:
Mandataires: Oui
Mandants d'évaluations: Non

5. Expérience dans l'enseignement et dans le conseil:
Expérience dans l'enseignement: Oui
Expérience dans le conseil: Oui

6. Connaissances linguistiques
English, German, French Muttersprache
English very good
French very good
Italien basic
Spanish basic

7. Domaines d'activité
Foreigners / Refugees
Political System / Public Administration
Social Affairs

8a. Domaine de la santé: Expérience thématique

8b. Domaine de la santé : Expérience d'évaluation dans des domaines situés à l'interface entre le thème de la santé et d'autres thèmes

8c. Domaine de la santé: Expérience avec des groupes cibles

9. Expérience générale en évaluation
Controlling studies
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Evaluability Analysis
Impact Analysis
Implementation Analysis
Needs Analysis
Organisational Analysis
Setting up monitoring systems
Analysis of contracts (especially welfare contracting)

10. Types d'évaluation
Ex ante evaluation
Ex post evaluation
External evaluation
Formative evaluation
Internal evaluation
Summative evaluation

11. Champs d'évaluation
Performance Evaluation
Personnel Evaluation
Policy Evaluation
Product Evaluation
Program / Project Evaluation
Proposal Evaluation

12. Compétences méthodologiques de récolte de données
document and file research
search of artefacts

12. Compétences méthodologiques d'analyse de données
qualitative content analysis
summative analysis
statistical analysis

13. Projets d'évaluation effectués
Grundlage für das Weiterbildungskonzept der Schweizerischen Konferenz für Sozialhilfe SKOS: Evaluation des bisherigen Fort- und Weiterbildungsangebots (2006)
Hochdorf, SoBZ Sursee, AV Sursee-Hoch: Überprüfung der Strukturen und Erarbeitung von Zukunftsszenarien. Zwischenbericht basierend auf der Situationsanalyse Juni ? September 2006 (2006, in Zusammenarbeit mit Urs Vogel Consulting)
Zukunft der Gemeindeverbände SoBZ
Qualitätsmanagement Psychiatriezentrum Münsingen: Situationsanalyse und Vorschläge für eine gesamtbetriebliche Qualitätssystematik (2005/06)
Angebote für von Obdachlosigkeit bedrohte Menschen in der Stadt Winterthur: Bedarfsanalyse (2006/07, in Zusammenarbeit mit Agnès Fritze, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz)
Evaluation des Instruments POC-18 (Perceptions of Care) zur Messung der Patientenzufriedenheit und Erarbeitung von Verbesserungsvorschlägen auf inhaltlicher und prozessualer Ebene (2005/06)
Caritas Schweiz: Koordinations- und Fachstelle zu Gesundheitsfragen im Migrationskontext. Ein Grobkonzept für die Region Ostschweiz (1998)

14. Références
Please contact me for references - I'll be happy to provide you relevant references according to your interest.

15. Autoportrait
socialdesign is a company specialized in politics, social policy, social work, social and health management. In these subject areas socialdesign provides consultancy, coaching of politicians, managers & project leaders, training & teaching and research. Corporate responsibility, social planning, political governance and controlling, contracting, program evaluation, quality management and facilitation of communication between politicians and public social managers are but a few of our offers. Each offer is every time singular and developed with our customers according to their needs and possibilities. We don?t aim at selling as much as possible, but at aiding to develop sustainable solutions. We are very attentive at including all stakeholders in a situation analysis and a solution development. Also, we care to follow the implementation of solutions developed with us, in order to be able to take corrective measures and act responsibly. Last, but not least, working with socialdesign, should be fun for our customers and us!

Regula Ruflin, Dr.rer.publ.HSG et lic.phil.Sozialarbeiterin, has studied social work, educational studies and law at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, and the Glasgow Caledonian University, Great Britain. She has completed her education with a PhD in politics at the University of St. Gallen HSG, Switzerland. During her PhD she spent seven months as a visiting student at the School of Social Service Administration SSA, University of Chicago, USA. In the last fifteen years, she has initiated and managed many projects herself and spent many years researching and practicing quality management and welfare contracting.