Home Résultats

1. Données personelles:
Nom: Aust
Prénom: Debora
Position: Head Consultant of DARE consulting

2. Adresse professionnelle:
Institution: DARE consulting
Complément 1:
Complément 2:
Rue: Am Weideweg 9
Boîte postale:
Code postal: 15299
Lieu: Müllrose
Canton: Domicile hors de la Suisse
Pays: Deutschland
Tél. professionnel: +4933606134169
Fax professionnel:
E-mail: aust@dareconsulting.ch
Mobile: +491752264572
Tél. privé:
Fax privé:
E-mail privé:
Site web 1: www.dareconsulting.ch
Site web 2:

3. Adhésion SEVAL:
Membre: membre individuel

4. Mandataires et mandants d'évaluations:
Mandataires: Oui
Mandants d'évaluations: Non

5. Expérience dans l'enseignement et dans le conseil:
Expérience dans l'enseignement: Oui
Expérience dans le conseil: Oui

6. Connaissances linguistiques
German Muttersprache
English very good
French basic
German very good
Urdu basic

7. Domaines d'activité
Development Aid
Social Affairs
Humanitarian Aid

8. Domaine de la santé : n'a pas d'expérience en tant qu'évaluateur/trice dans le domaine de la santé.

9. Expérience générale en évaluation
Evaluability Analysis
Impact Analysis
Implementation Analysis
Needs Analysis
Organisational Analysis
Setting up monitoring systems

10. Types d'évaluation
Ex ante evaluation
Ex post evaluation
External evaluation
Internal evaluation

11. Champs d'évaluation
Performance Evaluation
Program / Project Evaluation
Proposal Evaluation

12. Compétences méthodologiques de récolte de données
Qualitative and Quantitative
Face-to-Face Interviews
Sample Interviews with questionnaires
Telephone or personal interviews
Focus-group discussions

12. Compétences méthodologiques d'analyse de données
Analyze and assessment of the quantitative and qualitative data
statistic analyze
analyze based on a summery

13. Projets d'évaluation effectués
In over 10 year humanitarian and development aid working experience having many different evaluation contracted and analyzed (2004 - ongoing).
Internal Evaluation of the flood programme Pakistan of Solidar Suisse (2012).
Development of a evaluation checklist for peacebuilding programmes (2013).

14. Références
Zoltan Doka, Solidar Suisse, International Department
Sybille Stamm, swisspeace, Head Evaluation

15. Autoportrait
Head Consultant of DARE consulting (www.dareconsulting.ch)
Master in Cultural Anthropology/Sociology, Bachelor in Business Administration and CAS in Civilian Peacebuilding

"Development and Relief Consultant with varied working experience allover Asia in conflict areas, emergency and development programmes, which included programme design, policy formation, community development, conflict sensitivity, emergency and post-disaster management as well as evaluations, with a special interest in health, social development, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and relief/rehabilitation programmes."
"I take pleasure in working with culture diverse teams, where my ability for team building, support and strengthen of existing capacity is required. I enjoy to solve problems and difficult tasks through an open discussion, coordination with all involved parties and to find a productive and sustainable solution, this includes to work exact, independently, to adapt to new situations easily and to keep abreast of new developments."